The Problem of Your Belief

It is not the old-fashioned issue, but perhaps it is. Religion, no, I will say it is your belief that matters. The belief that causes the kernel problem to all of you. That was when you told me something let you down or even depressed, and you will cast them aside by relying them on God. I was sure I wasn't get it wrong. Or you might ask why I just didn't give it a shot to believe the God? Yes, I did. I gave my time when I was in college and turned down in time. Do you really believe that you can literally rely on God by carrying away those things that frustrate you? I doubt it very much. Your belief can make you feel better for sure, but if you get accustomed to rely on God when confronted with difficulties, God appears to become the responsible one who bears all the discard from the public. Nevertheless, it is not the problem that God bears those discard but you become irresponsible for what you are thinking. The reality is a mess, it is just the chaotic condition, as it always will be, just bear in mind. We can no longer escape from this truth of living in such chaos. Your belief will be some sort of a shelter, but this shelter will not be your reason to be frequently relied on. The problem in you will not be solved if you cast aside the obstacles or let behind your setbacks by means of depending on God. Something terrible, as I always consider, that it is not only we become free from responsibility but we become gradually needless of thinking deeply and complicatedly. Because God loves you, He accepts you while you fall, and you are forgiven if you repent. God will always be there! How easy to be torn away and assembled again! You save your energy to face the problem of yourself and feel better since someone will be the cover for you. Wonderful, isn't it? You even don't have time and chance to truly "think" how to face real problems of yours. And the world becomes so so peaceful if everyone believes in God and think nothing else that opposed to Him or transcend the rule as He/it holds. Believe in God, live in peace, think nothing else, and it becomes the Life in you, as you believe.


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