
Showing posts from July, 2016


He was about to come in. As he looked around in the room, he thought the way of living in another world. Nothing dazzling, but it was as if being caught in a standstill. That he wished to move forward as much as he could, to be pushed forward, or to be motivated by something was the current plight by which he profoundly reckoned; nonetheless no one seemed to hear his voice afar. The shadows were pining away through his quirky angle, away from others with a certain image in which he once behaved. That was when he shrugged, truly be set aside as assuming that there were some gems within. Not knowing the way he became callous about, he could have saved his energy and then been sent out. How all occasions did against him of everything that gradually loosened made him finally know, as if he had always known that the feeling would have happened in such a way. A thought, twenty percent duty, thirty percent volatility and fifty percent anxiety, he took it for sure in crystals. Looking back a