
Showing posts from February, 2016

Timing in Garment

Recently perceived something of how a clothing shop's sales figures boost if the timing works well with the customers. This is generally how it works in some of the clothing shops or boutiques. The shop keeper searches your tastes when you are browsing through in a variety of clothes. If there is no determined mind which aims to look for your needs, the shop keeper comes over with a dressing on their hand and then ask you to try to put it on. Then you might say, if not your true wish, "no thanks, just coming over and see if there's something particular fits me or not..." Anyway, your slight indetermination suggests somewhat of an instant opportunity for the money-making even though you are not meant to try on the clothes if it really fits you. Nonetheless, you still try the recommended clothes for not ruining the current pleasantness because trying does not mean you have to purchase them. Having tried them though, you find that the clothes fit you perfectly and seemly