
Showing posts from April, 2015

To Experiment on Writing

I feel weird when I have been asked to tell what I "really" am writing about. My classmates are so keen on the topic that I am working on. And they tend to be my adviser, trying their best to "understand" my thoughts and ideas. Nonetheless I still consider it should remain privacy for the thesis we graduate students are working on. I tend not to reveal lots of details on my thoughts on my thesis in development. Isn't it the common sense that all the graduate student should keep their privacy on their thesis to some extent? This does not mean to be fear for being known by others but the meaning upheld holistically by the subjective view. Some of my classmates, I reckon, appease their anxiety for seeking opinions from others on their thesis. I don't know, I still think that it is not safe at all even though everyone does different kinds of topics on literature fields. For me, it somehow is like that the popular stars have been questioned their love affair in t


You cannot even hide the situation that has been brought by them. You go out, a certain place. Lots of things have loaded you in dragging state. It seems that there is a chance to choose one or another, the chance you offer me or the material life in sight. I try to make a better decision but fear every step might go wrong if I keep moving along. It could be you. It always is you, who tends to lead me from the shadow to the sparkle. What are we moving around? Nothing, but we share the heartbeat. This cannot even be me when I associate my life with others, as you told me last time and even questioned my career in the future for there was always a better job for me. And you will help me find it. It is not my job that matters but the potential of mine that counts. We should do it together. Yes, we should. We shall. At the same time I find it hard to separate myself from them in a while. There are so many things in this world frustrates me. I could be alone, as always alone. Just like you.