
Showing posts from April, 2011

Try Again

God I wish I could sing better but I failed again. Why, sometimes I just don't understand. I've been thinking these days of my way, my future, and myself. It's weird and I've no clue how to explain. Mr. Ruan told me I should be happy for my life, Oh, well... I feel happy for taking your Bel Canto course. Perhaps I'm still thinking of my way, my future, and myself. I just do not know how people look at me. So sorry I show less confidence right away. Sometimes I don't understand why my voice could have gone this way (not fair). Yet Mr. Ruan felt pretty good for my voice (last week). It's weird but I absolutely care my voice! Like I'm moaning, low-pitched, which I absolutely hate! Hatred, cause now the circumstance is unknown. Hopelessness, cause now the purpose is unknown. Be fearful, cause now the future is